While Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Don’t Apply to Private Insurance, 3.4 Million People with Employer Coverage Take at Least One of the Selected Drugs

While Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Don't Apply to Private Insurance, 3.4 Million People with Employer Coverage Take at Least One of the Selected Drugs

Among the 167 million people with employer-sponsored insurance in 2022, 3.4 million used at least one of the first 10 drugs identified for Medicare price negotiations, according to a new KFF analysis. Medicare is expected to release the negotiated drug prices, which will go into effect in 2026, by no later than September 1, 2024.

The most used drug for people with employer-sponsored health insurance was Jardiance, a drug used to treat diabetes and heart failure, which was taken by more than 911,000 enrollees.

In the future, the Medicare program will negotiate prices for additional drugs, which millions more people with employer coverage could also be taking. As the policy currently stands, lowering drug prices in Medicare has no direct effect on private insurance plans, and the indirect effects are still unclear. Some argue lower negotiated prices in Medicare will result in higher prices in private insurance plans, while others suggest Medicare prices could serve as a benchmark and lead to savings.

The full analysis and other data on health costs are available on the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, an online information hub dedicated to monitoring and assessing the performance of the U.S. health system.

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